Ura Central School is located on the highway between Bumthang and Mongar fifty kilometres away from district headquarter – Bumthang. The school falls in the altitude of above 3000 metres from the sea level and makes the school one of the coldest in the kingdom. The area experiences the short growing season barely five months.
It was established as primary school in 1961 and upgraded to Lower Secondary School in 1999. It became Middle Secondary School in 2009. The school was selected as central school in 2016.
The school benefits 10 villages and three community schools are the main feeding school besides other schools in the kingdom.
Although it is exceedingly chilling during winter within the temperature range of 1-5 degree Celsius the place is known for its greenish scenic beauty and blooming diverse flowers attracting number of tourists. The winter season is marked by whitish beauty the snow and ice. The summer temperature rarely rises above 10 degree Celsius.
The main food crops of the community are barley, buckwheat and wheat. Potato is their cash crop and the collection of mushroom (Sangay Shamu) greatly supplements in their income.
The current staff status and students enrollment is given below:

The opening of the academic year marks the official start of a bustling new academic session at Ura Central School, Bumthang. The beginning of a new school is for all occasions of joy and hope. Therefore, formal khadar and opening ceremony was held for all students, staff and PP students in particular on 13th February, 2019. […]
Forty nine students of 10th grade vigorously toiled and finally sat for BCSE in the month of December, 2018. The students, subject tutors, school management and staff of UCS played their part in every manner possible in motivating the students to perform better in the life altering BCSE Examination. Each individual’s effort was paid off […]
”Discipline is giving yourself a command and following it with Action.” – Bob Proctor To inculcate the sense of culture etiquette, the students had been practising Driglam Namzha every Monday. Hence to demonstrate the students’ learning, the inter-class competition was held on 3rd of November, 2018. It was infact amazing to witness the program which […]
Class IX students bids farewell to outgoing class X graduates. The practise is ongoing since many years back. Host class hosts many exciting activities in which the school staff and graduates get engaged in the program. Principal delivered the emotional speech and furthering their hard work for carrier making which was one most important aspect […]
ICT Curriculum focal person from REC conducted a PD on Digital Citizenship and Google Classroom for teachers of Ura CS on 22nd of October. He highlighted on the healthy usage of ICT meaning without affecting others and self. He also presented on the norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to the technology use. The digital […]
DashoDzongda met with 15 GyalpoiTozey students from grades six to ten yesterday on 9th October 2018 in the school. The students were advised on how lucky they are to be the sons and daughters of His Majesty the King and therefore should be the exemplary students in all the aspects. Dasho also insisted on them […]
Two sections of class nine students participated the civic and democracy education conducted by officials from Read Bhutan. Officials briefed students on civic rights, responsibilities and duties through various activities within two hours. Officials also taught students what leadership all means through discussions. Students were also oriented to some democratic terminologies and concepts which involve […]
The Educational Exchange Programme was coordinated by the school management for the students from grade vii to x who scored 79% and above in the mid-term Examination, 2018. So, 22 of us, 11 boys and 11 girls qualified for this tour which we will hold close to our hearts throughout the journey of learning. We […]
The Photo Gallery of Ura Central School